Yesterday evening was tiresome. Frequent power cut in the office made me sweat a lot and the heat on the top of everything agitated the mind. Fully exhausted me reached home and put the TV on only to watch news of random brutal killings happening all over the world.
A school teacher punishing a low performing student, Shanno, harshly, causing eventually the death of the later. This was the news of the day! What a news! Where the hell the humanity has gone? Teaching is considered to be one of the noblest jobs in the world and a teacher is supposed to help learn a student. If a student can’t read/identify an English character (which is learnt to be the reason why that teacher punished the student), in my opinion, it is her teacher’s failure. There are many ways to do any thing in this world. Why couldn’t Shanno’s teacher use a different way to help the child learn English?
And what great loss would have happened to the world if the poor soul hadn’t learn English, in the first place? I ask you, how many people in Power at various functions in the Government of India can Read / Write / Speak English fluently? Every function in the Govt of India works either in Hindi or in the Regional Language of the state. And if a poor child cannot learn English with pace others do, why force the poor child to such an extreme? Why such a big farce is created? There are hundreds of examples where people have become successful without knowing English.
And this is not just one incident. There are hundreds of Shannos in India who suffer everyday from such teachers’ brutally insane & inhuman acts.
This incident raised many questions in my mind…
Why Do the teachers in India assume the power to brutally punish a student?
Does a Degree in Education (D.Ed. or B.Ed) really qualify a person to be a teacher?
Is a school worthy to educate a student if a bribe of Rs. 500000 is taken by the management to designate a Tom Dick & Harry as a Teacher?
Do we want a false education system which focuses more on “remembering” than “Learning”?
Does a teacher (or anybody for that matter) value other’s Life equally?
With questions galore in mind I retire to bed, hoping only to see a better tomorrow.